Our School Bio – Episode 2

Foto di Soni Tessari: https://www.pexels.com/it-it/foto/citta-vacanza-skyline-italia-16812811/

OUR SCHOOL BIO – Second Episode

Welcome to the second episode of our series exploring the story of Language Atelier, our language school based in Prague. After his stay in Berlin Lorenzo, the school’s director had to move back to Italy. Let’s explore the reasons that pushed him to take this decision! 


Back home in Italy, I went to collect the mail one March day. Among the usual assortment of supermarket flyers, there was an envelope from Germany. I instantly knew that my destiny lay within that envelope.

Normally, I’m quite patient and enjoy the anticipation more than the moment of discovery, such as with Christmas presents. However, this time was different. I couldn’t even wait to walk the mere ten steps from my mailbox to the entrance of my family’s home through the garden. I had to sit down and open the envelope immediately.

Foto di John-Mark Smith: https://www.pexels.com/it-it/foto/busta-di-carta-marrone-sul-tavolo-211290/


With trembling hands, I tore it open and scanned the contents with bated breath. There, in bold letters, it said “WIR GRATULIEREN” – we congratulate you. 

That’s when I dared to assume that I had passed. Yet, deep down, I knew that Humboldt University required a minimum score, a specific number. I scoured every word, desperately searching for that number, and finally, I found it – 48.


Normally, the number 8 brings me luck; it was my number when I played football as a child in my hometown.

However, the university required a minimum score of 50 for enrollment. I can’t say I wasn’t a bit disappointed. On one hand, I had fallen in love with Berlin, and I desperately wanted to continue my studies there. On the other hand, I was apprehensive about studying in a foreign language, even though my German skills at that time were at the B1-B2 level.

I took it as a sign from destiny. 

There was no point in dwelling on it. I decided to reapply for my Master’s Degree at the University of Padua, with the hope of seizing the first opportunity to go abroad once again. And you’ll never guess where I ended up!

To find out more about my journey and how I eventually found my way to Prague, keep an eye out for our upcoming blog post. It’s a tale of twists and turns that I can’t wait to share with you.

This is the second episode of our new series about the story of our school. We hope you enjoyed this glimpse into the beginnings of Language Atelier and how our journey started far from Prague. We look forward to sharing more of our story with you and continuing this exciting adventure together!

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Foto di Soni Tessari: https://www.pexels.com/it-it/foto/citta-vacanza-skyline-italia-16812811/

Our School Bio – Episode 2

OUR SCHOOL BIO – Second Episode Welcome to the second episode of our series exploring the story of Language Atelier, our language school based in Prague.

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