Please carefully review the terms and conditions before making a booking and payment at Language Atelier language school.

The Language Atelier language school offers courses in the languages and levels specified on our website. We offer four main types of courses: group, individual, in-company, and online courses. Students can secure their spots by completing the school’s online registration form.


Language Atelier welcomes individuals of all ages, genders, nationalities, and social backgrounds. We have a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination and aggressive or violent behavior. We expect our students to show respect towards their peers and our staff.


To book a course at Language Atelier, please follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the registration form at the following link: https://languageatelier.eu/register-here/
  2. Await confirmation via email from the Language Atelier team.
  3. Make full payment for the course prior to its commencement, unless a specific agreement has been made with the Language Atelier team. Payment methods accepted include:


  • Cash
  • Bank Transfer
  • Revolut App
  • PayPal
  • Benefit points from providers such as Benefit Plus, Sodexo, Edenred, or Benefity



  • Individual courses:

Students must provide a written notice to their teacher or the Language Atelier team at least 24 hours before the scheduled class if they wish to postpone it. Make-up classes will not be offered if classes are canceled with less than 24-hour notice.

If the school needs to postpone a class due to the teacher’s unavailability (e.g. teacher’s illness), the student will be promptly informed, and the canceled class will be rescheduled.

  • Group courses:

The minimum number of participants in a group course is 3. If the school is unable to open a group course due to an insufficient number of students at the same level, enrolled students will be informed and offered the option to postpone the course start date to reach the minimum number of students. The school also offers the opportunity of opening a group course for just 2 persons. In this case, the course is considered as a costumised course subject to different price conditions determined by Language Atelier team.


If all participants in a group agree with the teacher to postpone a class at least 24 hours before the scheduled time, the lesson can be rescheduled.

If the school needs to postpone a class due to the teacher’s unavailability (e.g. teacher’s illness), all students will be promptly informed, and the canceled class will be rescheduled. The cancelled classes can be rescheduled either in the period of the current course duration or in the week following the last class of the given course in the same day and time slot when the course takes place. 



Please note that missed classes by a single student cannot extend the group course. Students who can’t attend a prepaid group course lesson and inform the school in advance writing at the email address la@languageatelier.eu  may be offered a make-up class in another group of the same or similar level within the current course period. However, a student who would like to request a make-up class should take into consideration the following:  

  1. The school cannot always guarantee a make-up class of a specific level in a time slot suitable for the student.
  2. Make-up classes can only be attended during the duration of the current course in which the student is enrolled.
  3. If a student does not attend a booked make-up class, the school does not provide another opportunity to attend a further make-up class to replace the missed one.



The school offers trial lessons only in specific circumstances, and any trial lesson must be arranged directly with the Language Atelier team.



A student may cancel their course registration with a written notice to the Language Atelier team at least 24 hours before the course commencement.

If a student cancels the enrolment in a course less than 24 hours before its commencement or withdraws from a course after its commencement without a valid reason, no refund will be provided.

If a student is unsatisfied with the teacher or teaching method, they are encouraged to promptly inform the Language Atelier team, who may offer the opportunity to join a course of the same or similar level with another teacher 

If a student withdraws from a course due to force majeure (e.g., serious illness, unplanned travel, change of work schedule) and promptly informs the Language Atelier team, the school may allow the student to use the remaining course credit for an upcoming course of the same or similar level, subject to availability in the given course